How to Hide Gap Between Dishwasher and Cabinet

Are you frustrated by the unsightly gap between your dishwasher and cabinet? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many homeowners face this issue, which not only affects the appearance of their kitchen but also creates a potential space for dirt and debris to accumulate. However, with a few simple steps, you can address this problem and achieve a more polished look.

Gap Between Dishwasher and Cabinet

How to Hide Gap Between Dishwasher and Cabinet

Having a noticeable gap between your dishwasher and cabinet can be an eyesore, disrupting the overall aesthetics of your kitchen. Follow some steps you can fix this problem:

Step 1: Identifying the gap between the dishwasher and cabinet

Before you begin addressing the issue, it’s important to determine the extent of the gap between your dishwasher and cabinet.

Use a tape measure or ruler to measure the width and depth of the gap. This measurement will help you choose the appropriate materials and plan the necessary steps.

Step 2: Reasons for the gap

Understanding the reasons behind the gap can help you find the best solution. The most common causes include uneven flooring, improper installation, or the dishwasher not being flush with the surrounding cabinetry. By identifying the root cause, you can implement a more effective fix.

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Step 3: Preparing for the solution

To ensure a successful outcome, proper preparation is key. Begin by cleaning the area around the gap, removing any debris or grime. This will provide a clean surface for the subsequent steps and improve the overall bond between the materials you’ll be using.

Step 4: Choosing the right materials

Selecting the appropriate materials is crucial for hiding the gap effectively. Look for gap-filling materials such as silicone caulk, foam strips, or flexible molding.

Consider the color and texture of the materials to ensure they blend seamlessly with your cabinet and dishwasher, creating a cohesive appearance.

Step 5: Closing the gap with filler

Once you have the necessary materials, it’s time to close the gap. Apply the chosen filler material carefully, making sure to fill the entire gap evenly. Smooth out the surface using a putty knife or your fingers, removing any excess filler to achieve a neat finish.

Step 6: Painting or finishing touch

If your cabinet or dishwasher has a painted or stained finish, you may need to paint or stain the filler to match. Use a color-matching technique to ensure the filler blends in seamlessly with the surrounding surface. Allow the paint or stain to dry thoroughly before moving on to the next step.

Step 7: Alternative solutions

While using fillers is the most common method, there are alternative solutions you can explore. For instance, you may consider installing a custom-made wooden panel or a decorative metal strip to bridge the gap and add a unique touch to your kitchen.

These options can provide a more visually appealing solution while effectively hiding the gap.

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Step 8: Maintenance and care

Once you’ve successfully hidden the gap between your dishwasher and cabinet, it’s important to maintain the area to ensure its longevity and continued aesthetic appeal.

Regularly clean the filled gap using a mild detergent and a soft cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrub brushes that could damage the filler material or surrounding surfaces.

Additionally, periodically inspect the filled gap for any signs of wear or damage. If you notice any cracks or deterioration, address them promptly by reapplying the filler or considering alternative solutions.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can say goodbye to the unsightly gap between your dishwasher and cabinet. Whether you choose to use fillers, custom panels, or decorative strips, the end result will be a kitchen that looks seamless, clean, and visually pleasing.

Remember, addressing the gap not only enhances the aesthetics of your kitchen but also contributes to maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the area. With a little effort and the right materials, you can achieve a polished and cohesive look in your kitchen space.