How to Fix a Mattress That Sinks in the Middle?

A sinking mattress can disrupt your sleep and lead to discomfort. This issue often arises from wear and tear or improper support. Addressing a sagging mattress promptly can improve sleep quality and prevent back pain. Simple fixes like rotating, flipping, or adding a mattress topper can extend the life of your mattress.

Ensuring proper bed frame support also helps maintain its shape. Regular maintenance and using protective covers can prevent future sagging. Investing time in these solutions can save money and enhance your sleeping experience.

sagging mattress

Signs of Sinking Mattress

Recognizing the signs of a sagging mattress early can save you from many sleepless nights and potential health issues. Here are some common indicators that your mattress is saggy and may need attention:

Visible Indentation or Dips

One of the most obvious signs of a sagging mattress is a visible dip or indentation where you sleep. If you notice that the middle of your mattress has a significant dip compared to the edges, it’s a clear indication that the mattress is losing its support.

Uneven Sleeping Surface

When you lie down on your mattress, you should feel a smooth and even surface. If you notice that one part of the mattress feels lower or less supportive than the rest, it’s a sign of sagging. This can cause discomfort and improper spinal alignment during sleep.

Increased Aches and Pains

A sagging mattress often leads to increased aches and pains, particularly in the back, neck, and shoulders. If you wake up feeling stiff or sore, especially after a full night’s sleep, your mattress may not be providing the support it once did.

Difficulty Sleeping Comfortably

If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, trying to find a comfortable position, your mattress might be to blame. A saggy mattress can create pressure points and make it difficult to find a position that feels good, leading to restless nights.

Noise When Moving

As a mattress sags, the internal structure can become compromised, leading to creaks and noises when you move. If your mattress is making unusual sounds when you shift positions, it could be a sign that the springs or other materials inside are worn out.

Feeling the Foundation or Bed Frame

If you start to feel the slats or the bed frame through the mattress, this is a serious sign of sagging. It means that the mattress has lost much of its cushioning and support, making it difficult to sleep comfortably.

See More: How to Fall Asleep on an Uncomfortable Bed?

Causes of a Sinking Mattress

Over time, the materials inside your mattress, such as foam or springs, can start to break down. Foam can lose its resilience, and springs can become less supportive, leading to a dip in the middle of the mattress. This is a natural process, especially with mattresses that are several years old.

The foundation or bed frame that your mattress rests on is just as important as the mattress itself. If the support system is weak or improperly assembled, it can cause the mattress to sag. A lack of proper support can also accelerate the breakdown of the mattress materials.

Not all mattresses are created equal. Lower-quality mattresses may start to sink sooner than higher-quality ones due to inferior materials and construction. Investing in a mattress made with durable materials can save you from dealing with this issue prematurely.

Even the highest-quality mattresses will experience wear and tear over time. The middle of the mattress often bears the most weight, leading to compression and, eventually, a sagging spot. Regular use and the weight of the sleepers contribute to this natural wear.

Immediate Solutions to a Sinking Mattress

If your mattress has started to sink, there are a few temporary fixes you can try before resorting to more drastic measures.

Rotating and Flipping the Mattress

One of the simplest ways to address a sinking mattress is to rotate it. This can help redistribute the wear and prevent the middle from sinking further. If your mattress is double-sided, flipping it over can also be beneficial.

Adding a Mattress Topper

A mattress topper can provide extra cushioning and support, helping to alleviate the discomfort caused by a sinking mattress. Choose a topper made of high-density foam or latex for the best results.

Using a Mattress Helper

Mattress Helper are products designed to provide additional support to sagging areas. They can be placed under the mattress in the affected area to help level it out. While this is not a permanent solution, it can offer some relief.

Reinforcing the Bed Frame

If your bed frame is the culprit, reinforcing it can make a significant difference. Adding extra slats or a bunkie board can provide better support and help reduce the sagging of your mattress.

Long-Term Solutions for a Sinking Mattress

While temporary fixes can provide relief, long-term solutions are necessary to prevent the problem from recurring.

Investing in a Quality Mattress

If your mattress is beyond repair, it might be time to invest in a new one. Choosing a mattress made with high-quality materials can help ensure that it remains supportive for years to come.

Choosing the Right Mattress Material

Different mattress materials offer varying levels of support and durability. Memory foam, latex, and hybrid mattresses are known for their ability to maintain their shape over time. Consider your sleeping habits and preferences when selecting a new mattress.

Ensuring Proper Support

A mattress is only as good as the support system it rests on. Ensure that your bed frame or foundation is sturdy and designed to support the type of mattress you have. A poor foundation can lead to premature sagging, even in a new mattress.

Read Also: How to Clean a Mattress Without a Vacuum

Preventing Future Sinking

Prevention is always better than cure. By following these tips, you can prevent your mattress from sinking in the future.

Regular Rotation

Rotating your mattress every few months can help prevent uneven wear and keep it from sinking in one spot. Make it a habit to rotate your mattress regularly to maintain its shape and support.

Proper Cleaning and Care

Keeping your mattress clean is essential for its longevity. Regularly vacuuming your mattress and spot-cleaning stains can prevent the buildup of dirt and moisture, which can degrade the materials over time.

Using a Mattress Protector

A mattress protector can shield your mattress from spills, sweat, and allergens, all of which can contribute to material breakdown. Invest in a high-quality protector to keep your mattress in top condition.

Avoiding Excessive Weight

Excessive weight on your mattress can cause it to sag more quickly. Avoid sitting on the edge of the mattress for extended periods, and try to distribute weight evenly when sleeping to prevent dips from forming.


Reviving a sinking mattress is simpler than you think. Follow these tips to restore comfort and support. Regular maintenance ensures your mattress stays in top shape.

A well-maintained mattress contributes to better sleep quality and overall health. Take action today for a more restful night’s sleep.